Janice Clements (Alamanou) ABIPP ICA - Fine Art & Coastal Photography

Greasy Pole - Blakeney - Norfolk Carnivals

July 22 2013 – 2

[gallery]   Hello All, Last night I went for the first time ever to watch the Greasy Pole competition at Blakeney quay, Norfolk. For those of you yet to go make this one a must on your next year's calendar, but for those of you who were there I hope you enjoy the few images shown here of the triumphs and disasters of the mens section. I arrived as the children's competitions were then ending, just catching the last of the teenagers. Then came the women's, followed by the men's. There were 60 entrants to the mens section, all battling to win first prize by reaching the end of a very well greased - meaning thick, gooey, greasy, pole. Needless to say there were techniques tried and failed and with the huge crowd of spectators that cheered or 'ooed' - depending on the circumstance it was extremely funny to watch. The end of the teenage boys event was probably one of the most painful with one young lad possibly not being able to walk straight for a while. He hit and fell with every man in the audience cringing along with him, but heroically managed to swim to the side unassisted. True British Grit there! What is it in the human nature that wants them to fall off - it's funnier - or is it just me? In the mens section we had our first triumph with an excellent dismount hand held high, rather than legs in the air like many, right off the end of the pole. Well done there. The commentator was brilliant all the way through introducing the 'virgins' to the pole and the veterans - contestants from Devon and the North as well as our own. The men in the boat continuously greasing the pole and having to bail their boat out at the same time were even a sight to watch. Not including the other guys in the orange dinghy that ferried the contestants over the harbour with a rope as a pulley and as it travelled over it got lower and lower in the water and had to stop to bail out at the other side. This is what I love about the Brits. It was hilarious - pure fun and community spirit. Janice If you wish to buy or use the images above please contact: m: 07798755757. All images Copyright © Janice Alamanou 2013  


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