Janice Clements (Alamanou) ABIPP ICA - Fine Art & Coastal Photography

Art against war - To-morrow by Janice Alamanou - Supporting Ukraine

February 25 2022 – Janice Alamanou

Art against war - To-morrow by Janice Alamanou - Supporting Ukraine
Art against war - To-morrow by Janice Alamanou - Supporting Ukraine

An image I created against conflict and war. Exhibited with Create4Peace.

My poetry embedded into the photograph...

Tο Mωρό (To-morrow) meaning: 'The Baby' and playing with words - tomorrow - our future.

The image shows a pregnant woman (Mother Earth and her unborn baby). She lays in a field of poppies - remembrance. A globe of water - the oceans surround her. Among the poppies are scattered refuse. 

I cannot comprehend the mind which uses force over life to achieve goals of greed. My support for the families and people of Ukraine.

Tο Mωρό (To-morrow)


In the Depths of a Leader bad seeds burn the soul

Hate, Prejudice and Greed take hold.

Oblivious sleeps until terror strikes

Their World destroyed, their lives become plight.


Aggressors force onwards scourging the land.

A Nation divided. One side must be damned.

What escape can they seek from the Flames of Hell?


Well… Where do they go? How long must they wait?

While the sounds of destruction they leave in their wake…


Like a Great Sea washes over their once Promised Land.

Dreams gone. Families broken.

How much more must they stand?


As the Rulers of the World battle on,

The planet revolves but the Beauty is gone.

I ask… “Please pause for thought and step back a while,

What if it were your child?”