Janice Clements (Alamanou) ABIPP ICA - Fine Art & Coastal Photography

From the Shoreline - NEW Book by Janice Alamanou

March 18 2018 – Janice Alamanou

A new Janice Alamanou Coastal Photography book - 'From the Shoreline' - is soon to be released by Halsgrove publishers with SIGNED EDITIONS IN THE GALLERY!

Lots of beautiful images not to be missed!

Hard Back first editions, 144 pages, photography of mainly Norfolk along with my story of growing up, slightly wildly, on the Norfolk coast, how I see as a photographer and how I became a professional photographer, including a little tech and explanation along with a hint of humour. 

For an exclusive signed copy, please preorder at the gallery or send a request by email: enquiries@coastalphotography.co.uk

Order early to get your copy!

Price: £29.99