Janice Alamanou 2018 - New Exhibitions!
January 27 2018 – Janice Alamanou

Into 2018 and lots of things starting to happen. Beginning with the exhibitions already booked and still more to come.
February 2018 exhibiting 'Explosion of the VISIONS' at the Mamag Modern Art Museum, Castle Hubertendorf, Austria - 21st Feb - 20th September.
June 2018 exhibiting - My first SOLO Exhibition at the Artifact Gallery, New York - 6th - 24th June. Opening Evening 6th June, please contact if you wish to have a free invitation. A mixture of Soul Elements, Bodyscape, The White Collection and Norfolk and Europe photography. I will be attending this event and will make sure to talk with everyone. A glass of bubbly or a softer version is included.
I can report that the exhibition, arranged through the New York Gallery, in South Korea last month was a success. They requested, and I accepted, for my work to be a permanent Museum piece at the Yu Kyung Art Museum. I have a copy of the certificates displayed in the Gallery.
I am currently in the throws of writing and sorting photographs for two books contracted by publishers to be released this year. The first is about a slightly wild childhood in Norfolk, becoming a photographer, how I see my environment with a few technical bits describing the work. This should be published by May. The second book is about living in Greece on the island of Corfu, the things you see which you wouldn't see on holiday, such as exorcism in the village, which I bore witness to more than once. Also lots of images throughout Europe, including, Italy, Spain, Greece, UK and more. This book should be published July 2018. For 'signed copies' of the books please order in advance from my website or the Gallery.
New work will be coming soon. I have been busy and the website has come last but will be updated with new work shortly. Sorry for that.
Bye for now
Any queries please contact, I am always happy to help.